Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hummingbird Feeder

Mom requested on her facebook that she was looking for a good hummingbird feeder for her backyard. Since my new favorite website is Etsy, I turned to see what I can find. Now, last time, I was looking for a cute hummingbird item... earrings and what not, but now, I specifically searched for a "hummingbird feeder." For $37 you can now own a feeder that sits right on your head. It comes in 3 great options: Construction Hat Yellow, Construction Hat Red, and Blue Bicycle Helmet. I wonder if my Mom would be interested in this?!

Now, I really feel like using the phrase, "You might be a redneck if ..." when I see these items for sale for $14 a piece. Yes, these are also hummingbird feeders.

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