Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hemp Skirt... for $138 dollars?!

I feel like I find a lot of cute stuff on Etsy, but I feel the need to share the odd and crazy things more!! I'm not kidding... this Aphrodite Hemp Skirt is for sale for the bargain price (NOT) of $138. Here is what comes with the price:

"The skirt consists of two waist panels which tie up on either side corset style, through large hole brass grommets (SUPER sexy!), and two figure flattering pixie points. There are even some tatters stitched onto the back part of the skirt to give your bum that extra appeal *wink*... "

***I like to keep note of what I was searching for when I crossed this, and it was a tutu... this just appeared in the search list. It found me... not the other way around. I promise I don't go looking for this stuff... it just happens!!

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